ARCH 745  Nonlinear Biosynthesis Jenny E Sabin & Peter Lloyd Jones  -Networking Group 2 | Shuni Feng, Joshua Freese, Jeffrey Nesbit
ARCH 999 Independenrt Study   Shuni Feng, Joshua Freese Advisors | Jenny E Sabin & Dr Peter Lloyd Jones 
© University of Pennsylvania
Biological background
Coordinated endothelial cell networking, a component of angiogenesis, is required to form and refine the exquisite fractal network that emerges in the developing and mature lung to facilitate efficient gas exchange from birth onwards. 
Newly developed biological case studies comparing growth and redevelopment of lung tissue with and without the introduction of a Peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1) gene into an  extracellular matrix (ECM) networked substrate of non-cellular proteins, polysaccharides Collagens, Proeoglycans, Elastin and Glycoproteins essential for tissue development and organ function .had stunning revelations and great potential for restoring cancer damaged lung tissues and other organs. 
 ​​​​​Thus, the roles played by Prx-1 (code) and the ECM (environment) are highly influential in creating these network morphologies by endothelial cells (components).

Real-time imaging of endothelial cells cultured within a specialized extracellular matrix (ECM) microenvironment, designated the basement membrane, with and without PRx-1 (formed the basis of this project. ​​​​​​​

Cellular networking in lung tissue formation can become a model for discovering ways of simulating atypical structural and spatial environments for architecture and for prosthetics and or implants akin to the organic geometry for they would replace or enhance. ​​​​
 the lung vasculature is created as these clusters reconfigure into larger networks forming the complex multi-scalar network of topological fluid geometry within our lungs . By studying the relationship between these effectors, We observe d multi-scalar growth from a cellular level occurs and how human organs develop and can re-generate. ​​​​​​​
Code, environment and component interact at multiple scales simultaneously as single cells par, group and cluster.
Scale-Free Networking  emerged as our project framework:
Dynamic behaviors turned processes transferable to rules,  logics and syntax of conditional coding, 3D modeling environment for designing generative components in 
Bentley Microstation & Generative Components (GC)  

Conditions and behaviors observed in biological scientific experiments established constraints and parameters to develop an architectural project rooted in  conditional modeling and simulation of biological behavior and the geometric topology found in developing and regenerative cellular construction of the lung vasculatures. 
We used GC to establish our language methods of scale free networking to create a more flexible computational model defined by conditional relationships found in scientific research. 

Our research examines and explores a variety of organizational operations in biology and architecture by studying the scale-free networks that define order and relationships in global systems.

These network systems, like those in the biological model being studied, rely on intricate complexity produced by layered interscalar development and recursion of simple organizing principles that govern behavior at all scales. 


Clustering (Top Left0 Network Density Cell to Component Ratio(Top RTight) Component Mappingf(Bottom)
The methodology, process based development, experimentation, conditional comparisons gave us a new set of tools for doing scientific research, that are directly applicable in architecture, especially when working with parametric, Building Information Modeling and Environmental Building Design where akin to Biology, detailed constraints , experiment, simulations and research need control and  precision to ensure the experiments and the results  are replicable, comparable, accurate and precise.
Matrix Influence + Component Mapping + Pull In.  Matrix Influence + Component Mapping + PushOut
The course gave richly informative insight into advanced  gene and organ research and development. The  biological models and scientific analysis/research introduced dynamic and robustly intelligent system of cellular, tissue and organ development and restoration operate. ,This gave us architecture students experience  what  interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration with faculty, libraries and facilities/resources at Penn .
 Research projects and courses at Weitzman and at Penn benefit from their disciplinary and departmental integrity as well as through peer evaluation, comparison and cross-referencing and collaborating in and across the University, its  twelve schools, colleges, ,departments, divisions, centers, institutes, programs, labs, ,associations, initiatives, societies, clubs,, houses and more woven into the fhistory, diversity, equity abric and tapestry  o Inclusion and belonging Penn fosters  and champions since 1740.
Matrix Influence + Component Mapping + Pull In
Matrix Influence + Component Mapping + Pull In
 Matrix Influence + Component Mapping + PushOut
 Matrix Influence + Component Mapping + PushOut
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